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Why are there not more hours in the day?

How do people do it?  I see all of these amazing women on instagram every day and they look perfect, their kids look perfect, their houses look perfect, their businesses are bigger than mine, and they do it all with a huge smile on their face.  Sometimes I can't get out the front door without the kids having WWIII, dropping my purse, dropping my phone, and at least someone (usually me) crying in the process.

Maybe it's easy to look perfect when all people are seeing is a photo glimpse into our lives once or twice a day.  But sometimes it just seems that I am hanging on by a thread.  I guess the grass is always greener on the other side, I remember when my kids were small and everyone constantly asked me, "How do you do it???"

I have 4 kids.  My oldest, he is 17.  I have twin boys who are 12, and the baby girl is just about to turn 11.  Yes, I had 3 in diapers at one time.  Yes, I know what causes babies lol.  I remember constantly being asked, "How do you do it?", to which I would reply, very diplomatically, "God doesn't give us more than we can handle" with a smile on my face.  The secret of this reponse is more interesting though.  I always responded this way because honestly, I have no freaking clue how I did it.  Sometimes I try to think back on that time, before the twins and the baby girl were in school, and my oldest was barely in school, and I can remember big things, like birthdays and holidays and vacations, but the day to day stuff is pretty fuzzy.  I have no clue how I kept the house, got the laundry done, cooked multiple meals, got all the kids in the car multiple times a day to pick and drop off at at school or run errands.  Trips to the grocery store with the 3 babies in tow?  Football and basketball practice 3 times a week with the oldest with all the babies too?  Not to mention during all of it my husband traveled constantly for work.  I have no clue.  Maybe sleep deprivation made me forget?  Or I think I may have blocked it out for self preservation.  I mean come on, we all know that negative memory forgetting is inherent in all of us, otherwise no woman would birth more than one child, am I right?  I remember all of the emotional uplifting stuff at every birth of my beautiful children, but the pain and stress?  It's really fuzzy....

I think I must be crazy, or just really hate being bored, because as soon as all of the kids got into school, became more self sufficient, and my volunteer time with our local non profit peewee sports association was done, I started baking.  I mean, most people would relax a bit, take a load off, or start a hobby that can be ignored at will.  Me, I started a home bakery that has me working sometimes 60 hours a week, and I love every second of it.  How did it take me 40 years to figure out what I was really good at AND love to do???

But with all of this time devoted to the bakery,  the rest of my life is squished together, and there just aren't enough hours in the day.  I'm so busy, and my list is constantly so long, that in the rare occasion I have any free time, I spend it obsessing over what I need to do that I am forgetting.  I remember a while back I had a week with no bookings and instead of enjoying it, I felt guilty and stressed because I just KNEW there was something that I needed to be doing but I couldn't figure out what it was!  I think Mommy needs a vacation.....

So what's the trick everybody?  How do you all balance your families, homes, social lives, other responsibilities, and your businesses?  What trick and tips work for you?  I have to say, with embarrassment, that I don't have any tips and tricks yet.  I'm just flying by the seat of my pants, hoping for the best.  We may not be perfect, but my family is happy, and I'm happy.   But I promise if I figure out the magic answer you all will be the first to know :)

happily just getting by,


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