How do people do it? I see all of these amazing women on instagram every day and they look perfect, their kids look perfect, their houses look perfect, their businesses are bigger than mine, and they do it all with a huge smile on their face. Sometimes I can't get out the front door without the kids having WWIII, dropping my purse, dropping my phone, and at least someone (usually me) crying in the process. Maybe it's easy to look perfect when all people are seeing is a photo glimpse into our lives once or twice a day. But sometimes it just seems that I am hanging on by a thread. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side, I remember when my kids were small and everyone constantly asked me, "How do you do it???" I have 4 kids. My oldest, he is 17. I have twin boys who are 12, and the baby girl is just about to turn 11. Yes, I had 3 in diapers at one time. Yes, I know what causes babies lol. I remember constantly being a...